Sustainably harvested firewood – split, seasoned, stacked and delivered.
All of our firewood comes from ecologically managed forests, meaning that healthy and diverse forests are left to grow and thrive after your firewood is cut.
All of our wood is split 16” long and finely for your wood stove. If you’d like a different length or more coarse wood lets us know and we can accommodate.
Most of our wood is split in the spring and early summer into tall packages that allows the air flow through. Place your order early for well seasoned wood that is ready to burn.
We deliver our wood in tidy packages, allowing you to easily confirm the volume delivered and not leaving a mess. If you want your wood in your garage ask if we can put it right inside.
Pricing & Options

Exact 1/2 Cord Stacked
Customers who have garages with smooth transitions from their driveway often order pre-stacked wood, saving them time and space. You can leave the wood on the pallet and only handle it as you’re ready to burn it.

Approx. 1/3rd Cord Loose Stacked
Our loose stacked pallets are our economy option and favoured by customers who have to restack their wood anyway. We cannot guarantee a perfect measure: however, our experience is that each loose stacked pallet has approximately 1/3 of a cord once it is stacked.

Bundled Campfire Wood
If you like to have small amount of wood around for camp fires and would like everything neat and tidy, we can provide you with 1 cubic foot bags of wood for pickup or delivery.
Are you a store that would like to purchase wholesale from us? Let us know and we’ll make a deal.

Pickup: Free
If you burn a small amount of wood (strike ‘for… fires’) and have access to a pickup truck you are welcome to come pick up your wood in our firewood yard at 3911 Mooseland Road, Mooseland (yes, thats still in NS).
Delivery: Location Dependent
We deliver your firewood in neat and tidy packages. We can even walk your pallets right into a garage or car port, saving you time in restacking. Provide us with your address and we will let you know your best options for delivery.
Do you have a quirky request? Try us and we’ll let you know if we can accommodate!
Our Suppliers
Its critical that we leave a healthier forest after we’re done harvesting your firewood. That means all the critters still have homes and the full diversity of the Acadian forest can thrive. Beyond our own logging, we purchase firewood logs from responsible forest managers with the same ethos.

North Nova Forest Owners Co-op
Located in Wentworth, North Nova is a cooperative of over 300 members managing around 70,000 acres of member lands. North Nova is a provincial leader in ecological forest management, operating with a light footprint but at an industrial scale that helps supply the province’s sawmills. Firewood from North Nova’s operations comes when the unhealthy and low quality trees are removed from next to healthier, higher quality trees that are left to grow into valuable sawlogs. North Nova shows a path forward for shifting our entire sector to a more ecological, climate-smart approach to forestry.
Check out NNFO at